What happened in the press conference of the Ch. Nisar?

Ch. Nisar is one of the politicians of the Pakistan, who are known as the most educated and very much competent in their field. They are playing very important role in their fields and they are known as the successful politicians in their ministries. Ch. Nisar is currently watching the ministry of the Interior of the Pakistan and he has brought reforms which will be remembered for the rest of time. He is a person, who is really loyal to the Pakistan. They have proven their love for the country. They also have a credit that they do not have any sign of corruption on their forehead.
It is a very amazing video about the press conference of the Ch. Nisar, when he was going to start his press conference. Suddenly, when the person was correcting the positions of the mike, the mike of the ARY news channel was about to fall and Ch. Nisar hold it. This was the moment when he said that ARY should not go down. One person, who was present at the side of the news reporters, said that ARY News does not need any support for its stand. Ch. Nisar again told to the man that he has some special attention on this channel and he also has some affection with this channel.
It is a bit funny video and is reflecting the attention of the minister of the Interior towards the specific news channel of the Pakistan. In fact, ARY news is the very famous news channel, which is also known as the unbiased news channel. This news channel has proved his name in a very short time and it appeared as the very famous news channel of the Pakistan.
The real owner of this channel has died before two years but this channel is growing and getting the progress.

What happened in the press conference of the Ch. Nisar? What happened in the press conference of the Ch. Nisar? Reviewed by Ramzan Bhatti on 23:03:00 Rating: 5
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