Remember The Promise Mia Khalifa Made About Donald Trump's Victory?

Mia khalifa is one of the most famous entertainer of adult industry. Mia khalifa has a different personality as compared to others, She also has a lot to say about many other things.
in fact, recently in the U.S. election she made a promise and now its time to fulfill her deeds.

As all we know most of people didn't expect Donald Trump wins presidency.

Mia Khalifa promise on presidency like Madonna promised.

She make it challenging.

Let's say that Mia Khalifa promised to do Oral S*x to Donald Trump supporters if he Won's. And look here maybe you are the one who support Donald Trump Are you?

Alas! Mia Khalifa you irritating like Madonna.

Now the Donald Trump Won the U.S Presidency.

So now Mia Khalifa nothing to say so far about her promise.

Remember The Promise Mia Khalifa Made About Donald Trump's Victory? Remember The Promise Mia Khalifa Made About Donald Trump's Victory? Reviewed by Ramzan Bhatti on 03:23:00 Rating: 5
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